Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Life can be hard Because...

Life can be hard because:
1.     None of us is perfect
2.     The world we live in is corrupt
3.     Unseen enemies of our souls work to gain leverage over our lives
Healthy loving relationship is the essence of life. However, corrupt human nature and the ungodly predominate world culture entice us toward greed and death. Additionally, the enemies of our souls strive to initiate, augment and perpetuate wreckage to healthy loving relationships and their potentials. If allowed, this “unholy-triad” will infect you to think that you’re more heavily burdened and harshly attacked than most, and that God is apathetically watching your struggles from afar. It seeks to steal genuine peace and joy, murder compassion towards others, and destroy vibrant passion for healthy community. Its infection is purposed to cultivate and multiply deceptions, misunderstandings, frustrations, rage, anxiety, and unforgiveness; creating unhealthy divisions; blinding eyes to the truth of God’s grace. Infected persons, families, and communities direct their hearts to idolatrous lust after comfort and the “quick fix” creating gods of entertainment to “love” and “serve”. The full course of the infection culminates in a miserable wreckage of existence. If you think it can't happen to you, you're definitely, already infected.
Every one of us struggles with some combination of character flaws, social environment, economic status, and interpersonal dynamics in the work place or at home. This fact does not minimize the significance of personal struggles. However, God does see our struggles. He is not apathetic; He cares deeply, stretches out His hand to the afflicted and draws near to us when we draw near to Him.

God said, “It is not good that man should be alone.” Meanwhile, loneliness is a modern epidemic. God’s original design for humankind—God-given purpose—is to enter healthy loving relationship with Him, grow in it a healthy love for self, and live it out toward one another. Our society, as a whole, is far from His original design. In order to recover from and resist “infection”, we must exercise ourselves toward transformation with Jesus Christ and pursue God-given purpose on purpose within the family of faith as each member does its share to add to the health and strength of relationships qualitatively and quantitatively. From that center of support and strength we must fight against the “unholy triad” with the grace and knowledge in which we grow and reach out with Jesus, to deliver our communities from the sepsis.

God created us strong enough to make necessary changes, yet weak enough to need communion with Him and one another. We all need help to live healthy. Jesus meets all our needs in healthy loving relationships. Healthy loving relationship grows in the cultivation of trust and hope, and brings healing to infected wounds that would otherwise keep us from the necessary vulnerability of honesty.

Jesus calls us, in struggles and triumphs, to band together in healthy loving relationships with brothers and sisters in Him. Together we learn to follow His lead more closely. Within the family of faith, we grow and are strengthened by loving, interpersonal interaction in spirit and in truth, in Him. Together, we overcome and resist ungodly perspectives of the unholy triad, and from that center of strength and confidence we reach out effectively, loving others.

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